Internships: Internships available at the GTM are designed for undergraduate and graduate students in a variety of majors. Working alongside staff members, interns gain valuable skills and training in museum practice, arts administration, arts education, marketing, and independent scholarship. The museum can offer course credit for the internship with an academic advisor. Internships are generally 4-8 hours per week and are available for Fall and Spring semesters.
Marketing and Student Outreach: This internship offers the opportunity to participate in a range of activities to support the planning, development, and implementation of various marketing campaigns and event programming, including updating social media, designing advertising, and documenting and facilitating events. Join us in connecting the museum with QC students!
Collections Care and Management: Interns working in the area of collections care and management assist with organization, documentation, and care of the Museum’s collection. The interns assist with cataloging, inventory, and photography of the collection; work with the Museum’s collections management database Past-Perfect; and are trained in art handling. This internship offers the opportunity to work directly with the objects in the collection.
Exhibitions: Interns assist the Museum staff with exhibition preparation involving the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions. Interns conduct research, work on installation, and assist with all aspects of creating an exhibition. Some projects will overlap with other departments, enabling interns to gain broad exposure to all areas of museum operations.
Education: Interns will gain experience all aspects of education in a museum. Tasks may include assisting in development and research of hands-on activities; writing and designing printed materials for events; planning, and assisting with managing and directing the logistics of education programs.
To apply submit:
We are no longer accepting applications for Spring 2025.
1. One-page personal statement describing your reasons for seeking an internship at the GTM and what you hope to gain from the experience.
2. Resume outlining your educational, professional, and volunteer experiences.
Other credit and non-credit internships and independent study opportunities are available.
Email materials to museum at